Use empty-react-app cra-template to create new project
Below is the link to see the code to see cra-template structure
Anyone can use below commands to create create react application with redux implementation, unit test cases setup and well defined project structure.
npx create-react-app <app-name> — template empty-react-app
yarn create react-app <app-name> — template empty-react-app
Instead of cloning project or download zip file from git, one can use the above commands, so saving much time. Just replace with your folder/project name and you are done.
What is Empty React App CRA Template
This is a custom create-react-app template of empty-react-app. Empty React App has been developing the ultimate React starter kit for many years now. On the other hand CRA (create-react-app) is currently the people’s favorite choice. This template has been created to join their strengths together. CRA provides the necessary bootstrapping to start your projects but does not provide a guide on how to build it. That is where empty-react-app comes in to the picture and to guide you into creating state-of-the-art web applications.
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